Vol. 176 No. #7
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More Stories from the September 26, 2009 issue

  1. Chemistry

    Leptin leads to hamster baby boom

    High levels of leptin may tell mother hamsters to invest in larger litters, a new study suggests.

  2. Space

    Particle imbalance may upset the apple cart

    An asymmetry that the standard model of particle physics may not account for hints at the existence of a new and massive elementary particle.

  3. Life

    Mitochondrial DNA replacement successful in Rhesus monkeys

    New procedure may halt some serious inherited diseases, a study suggests.

  4. Animals

    Fruity whiff may inspire new mosquito repellents

    Odors from ripening bananas can jam fruit flies’ and mosquitoes’ power to detect carbon dioxide, a new study finds.

  5. Humans

    Girls have head start on snake and spider fears

    At 11 months of age, girls quickly learn to associate fearful faces with images of snakes and spiders, a new study suggests.

  6. Humans

    New genes give gut bacteria antibiotic resistance

    Scientists find new genes for antibiotic resistance in common bacteria in the human gut.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Obesity surgery’s benefits extend to next generation

    Children born to women who have undergone weight-loss surgery are healthier than children born to moms who are severely obese, a study shows.

  8. Animals

    Play that monkey music

    Man-made music inspired by tamarin calls seems to alter the primates’ emotions, a new study suggests.

  9. Health & Medicine

    From three to four chambers

    Scientists identify gene that may shape the heart.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Mice with mutation feel the burn

    Instead of becoming obese, mice with a mutation in an immune gene burn off the fat they eat.

  11. Ecosystems

    Google works on a different web

    Page ranking system inspires algorithm for predicting food webs’ vulnerability.

  12. Chemistry

    New bond in the basement

    Scientists identify a sulfur-nitrogen link, never before seen in living things, critical to holding the body together.

  13. Astronomy

    New images and spectra from a rejuvenated Hubble

    Newly released images provide graphic evidence that repairs have transformed the Hubble Space Telescope into a brand new observatory.

  14. Science Future for September 26, 2009

    October 5–7 Nobel Committee announces medicine, physics and chemistry awards. Visit nobelprize.org November 1 Petitions for a chemistry-themed postage stamp are due to the American Chemical Society. See cenblog.org/2009/07/07 November 1–3 “Darwin in the 21st Century: Nature, Humanity and God” at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. Visit nd.edu/~reilly/darwinconference.html

  15. Theo Gray’s Mad Science: Experiments You Can Do at Home — But Probably Shouldn’t by Theodore Gray

    Dramatic experiments, captured in color photography with step-by-step instructions, demonstrate scientific principles from the everyday world. Black Dog & Leventhal, 2009, 239 p., $24.95. THEO GRAY’S MAD SCIENCE: EXPERIMENTS YOU CAN DO AT HOME — BUT PROBABLY SHOULDN’T BY THEODORE GRAY

  16. Book Review: Stories in Stone: Travels Through Urban Geology by David B. Williams

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  17. From baby scientists to a science of social learning

    Developmental psychologist Andrew Meltzoff codirects the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle. In the July 17 Science , Meltzoff and his colleagues published a paper titled “Foundations for a New Science of Learning.” Meltzoff recently spoke with Science News writer Bruce Bower. What does the science of learning […]

  18. Desperately Seeking Moly

    Unreliable supplies of feedstock for widely used medical imaging isotope prompt efforts to develop U.S. sources.

  19. Hunting Hidden Dimensions

    Black holes, giant and tiny, may reveal new realms of space.

  20. Broken Symmetry

    Scientists seek mechanisms explaining development of the body’s left-right pattern.

  21. Letters

    From the September 26, 2009 issue of Science News.

  22. Science Past from the issue of September 26, 1959

    Many Americans suffer “television bottom” — Many Americans are suffering from a condition called “television bottom.” The medical term for the condition is coccygodynia, pain in the tail of the spine. It arises frequently from spending long periods of time before the television set.… Most patients habitually sit with a poor posture, with the lower […]

  23. Homage to a Pied Puzzler

    Ed Pegg Jr., Alan H. Schoen and Tom Rodgers, eds.
